1. Do no stack: no apilar2. Keep upright: mantenga hacia arriba
3. Fragile: frágil
4. Customs: aduana
5. Airport: aeropuerto
6. Customs agent: agente de aduanas
7. Shiper, freight forwarder: agente de carga
8. Plane: avión
9. Ship, vessel: barco-buque
10. Truck: camión
11. International trading company: comercializadora internacional
12. Buyer: comprador
13. Consolidator, bróker: consolidador
14. Shiper, freight forwarder: embarcador
15. Shipment: embaruqe
16. Exporter: exportador
17. Importer: importador
18. Pre-shipment inspection: inspección de pre-embarque
19. Multimodal transport operator: operador transporte multimodal
20. Ocean port: puerto marítimo
21. Customer service: servicio al cliente
22. Cargo terminal: terminal de carga
23. Local o domestic precarriage: transporte local
24. Main carriage: transporte principal
25. Rail: tren
26. Seller: vendedor
27. Flight: vuelo
28. Internal dimensions: medidas internas
29. External dimensions: medidas externas
30. Cubic capacity: capacidad
31. Tare weight: tara
32. Payload: carga util
33. Gross weight: maximo peso bruto
34. Truck: camion
35. Dry cargo: carga seca
36. Trailer: remolque
37. Tank: tanque
38. Fluids-gas-chemicals: liquidos- gases-quimicos
39. Articulated trailer: remolque articulado
40. Stake: estacas
41. Bulk: granel
42. Reefer: refrigerador
43. Food: alimentos
44. Dump trailer: volqueta- tolva
45. Bulk-buildings materials: granel-materiales de construccion
46. Low boy: cama baja
47. Heavy equipment: maquinaria pesada
48. Flatbed: plataforma
49. Overdimensional load: extradimension
50. Standard box car: vagon cerrado multiusos
51. Gondola railway car: vagon gondola
52. Hooper railway car: vagon tolva
53. Coal-stone-sand-gravel: carbon-piedra-arena-grava
54. Tank railway car: vagon tanque
55. Multipurpose rail car: vagon multiproposito
56. Steel-scrap-wood:acero-hierro-madera
57. Commercial invoice: facture commercial
58. Packing list: lista de empaque
59. Bill of lading: conocimiento de embarque
60. Airway bill: guia aerea
61. Consignment note: carta porte
62. Consignment note MTO: carta porte OTM
63. Insurance policy: poliza de seguro
64. Certifícate of origin: certificado de origen
65. Export license: licencia de exportación
66. Product cost: costo del producto
67. Seller profit: utilidad del vendedor
68. Loading: cargue
69. Domestic carriage-inland freight:transporte local
70. Insurance:seguro local
71. Export documentation: documentacion
72. Warehousing and shipping: bodegaje y embarque
73. Customs clearance: agenciamiento aduanero
74. Delivery alongside the ship or vessel: entrega al costado del buque
75. Transshipment: transbordo
76. International main carriage: transporte principal
77. Transport insurance: seguro transporte principal
78. Delivery at frontier: entrega en la frontera
79. Delivery on board: entrega a bordo
80. Delivery on the quay: entrega al costado del buque
81. Unloading-terminal mhandling: desembarque y bodegaje
82. Import documentation: documentacion
83. Domestic carriage- inland freight: transporte local
84. Custom clearance: agenciamiento aduanero
85. Customs duty, import charges: arancel
86. Buyer profit: utilidad del computador
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